I was able to find time this Memorial Day Weekend to do a bit of puttering in my garden. All of the wandering jew plants that have trespassed under the fence from my neighbor's side yard have been removed. The gravel paths are clear and my overwintered chiles are doing fine. I still haven't planted the two blushing beauty pepper plants that I purchased last month, but both plants are alive and well in their little root bound containers. I am hoping to find a little more time this week to continue my efforts in my garden patch now that school is almost over and my Spring work season has come to a close. I lost a few of my chiles this winter, but the majority are still going strong and putting out new chiles. You have to love California weather.
Its going to be so nice to have a bit of extra time this summer to take care of the house and tend to things. I'm looking forward to finishing the garden up and perhaps taking a few photos for the garden blog.