The weather has changed from being cool all day to only being cool in the morning and then very hot in the afternoon. It is now summertime in Southern California. For now, the nights are still cool, but that is going to change shortly and it will be blazing hot all the time. There is no more rain. All the water comes from my hand or the soaker hose system that I have placed in my garden.
This is good news for my pepper plants. They are shooting up with new leaves and taller stems now that the cool weather is departing. There are many pods on all the plants now. A few are starting to turn ripe. I suspect that I will be able to sample the first of my new chiles this weekend in a breakfast omelette. I miss my Fresnos in my weekend breakfast, it will be good to have fresh chiles again.
In the mail today a refund check from the Chile Woman arrived. At least I finally have my money back for the lost chile pepper plants I ordered. I would have far rather had the chile plants. I am going to start looking around for seed starting kits and start assembling supplies for growing chiles from seed. Next January, I'm going to make the attempt to germinate peppers!